I’m aways thinking about food. Not only food itself but how it’s presented, how it’s cooked, how it’s served, why people like it, why they don’t like it and so on. There is constant culinary clutter in my mind, that’s why I decided to record my thoughts with words.

Think of this blog as an open diary if you will, a chance for me to express my thoughts and opinions with a wider audience. There is also extreme satisfaction that comes from watching thoughts evolve into stories, while trying to be honest with my direction.

By no means am I always right, what I say should never be taken as fact. I only hope to make for an interesting read offering insight into the hospitality world through personal experience. Enjoy the stories below and please share a post if you feet a connection or can relate, commenting is also encouraged.



I guess this article comes from my own thoughts on how we identify with food, not only taste and preference but other influences and historical relevance. Cultural significance will forever be part of a countries food identity, food itself is possibly the most...



If food was ever so integrated into a nations identity then it's most visible in Thailand. Food carts, hawkers and local eateries are the mortar that binds Thailand together, to walk through local areas in Bangkok or rural food markets is to immerse yourself in smells...



Ok before we get started I want to make one thing clear, I have nothing against food guides or the amazing chefs that are awarded Michelin stars. I have friends and colleagues who hold or have held stars, they are influential and talented chefs producing delicious...



How do you measure success in the culinary world? Is it about the dining experience, flavor, creativity and skill or is the cash still king regardless of what enters the dining room? Should it reflect critical acclaim and Michelin stars or only what coin remains when...

The Cost of Kitchen Life

The Cost of Kitchen Life

It's the impossible balance of personal time and professional life, how to keep them from becoming the same thing or simply allowing them to co-exist? Cooking is a profession that consumes the participant, a never ending process limited only by your desire. No chef...

The Importance of Japan

The Importance of Japan

The land of the rising sun always seems one step ahead of the food scene without having to re-invent the cuisine or adapt to the modern age. Many European cuisines have evolved into something new overtime as tradition demanded change matching the public’s taste and...

Let’s do it Again

Let’s do it Again

Consistency in cooking is everything, it’s the difference between just being good or becoming great. I can think of nothing more disappointing than returning to a restaurant I love to discover that favorite dishes are underperforming. I would rather guests never...

Restaurants vs Hotels

Restaurants vs Hotels

It’s one of the great dilemmas facing many young chefs during their careers. To work in a free standing restaurant or move into one of the big 5 star hotels? There are numbers of positives and negatives that come with both careers. I think that both sides should be...

Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

For many chefs (myself included), there comes a time when you must know when to stop. I’m not talking about quitting cooking I'm talking about the creation of new dishes and the thinking behind food. There is a level of maturity or confidence allowing some chefs to...

You Know Nothing About Food

You Know Nothing About Food

AUSTRALIAN They say you are what you eat, well this could not be more true of Australians who are generally a little bit of everything. Take me for example I was born in Australia, my mother was Canadian and her parents are from Germany and Hungary. My father married...

Deciding Where To Eat

Deciding Where To Eat

  THAT GUY Remember when you first started trying to understand wine, the sommelier told you what you were tasting and you believed every word he said. It wasn't until you built your own palette and started understanding  more you realized everyone was tasting...

Sustainable Seafood and Why It’s Not Working

Sustainable Seafood and Why It’s Not Working

DEATH IS A MESSY BUSINESS In the words of Alex Atalla, death is all around us in the kitchen, eating really is a life and death situation. There is rarely a plate on the dinner table that didn't start with death, but at what point did we forget our meal was once...

5 Reasons Why Italian Food is The Best

5 Reasons Why Italian Food is The Best

What, Italian food is the best? What about the French? What about the Nordic movement? What about everything that is happening in Spain and Peru? Yeah, yeah I understand how you feel but if you are really honest with yourself and remember some of the most pleasurable,...

A History of Food/About Ryan

A History of Food/About Ryan

This is not another romantic story about a boy who grew-up looking over his grandma’s shoulder as she folded the last soft egg whites into a chocolate soufflé. Nor is it a blog about growing up with a burning desire to chef. When I was a kid I wanted to be a...


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